Title - Artist 1. This City (Man Power Remix) - C.A.R 2. Jan Juc - Edo Lang 3. Brain Roto Cast Action - Im kellar 4. Chicago (Trevino Remix) - Mark Force 5. Angel Of Hell (Paranoid London VIP) - Arthur Baker ft Alan Vega 6. Simulacron-3 - Manie Sans Délire 7. La Teoria Del Caos - S-DM 8. Befriending The Suttas - Sadboi 9. No Call from New York (Acid Mix) - Transparent Sound 10. Touch Absence - Lanark Artefax 11. Conversation Policy (Illum Sphere Remix) - Night Christ 12. You Think - White Label 13. Guede (Black Peters Remix) - DJ Hell 14. Bugs - White Lable 15. Inside (Len Faki Hardspace Mix) - Alex Danilov 16. Omert - White Label